Thursday, December 21, 2006

Selamatan Ulang Tahun Akbar

Just related now.

On last Saturday, we as a family have the Great agenda of the birthday ceremonial for my 5 years beloved son.
Cooked yellow rice, the fried chicken side dish, the potato croquette, rubbed vegetables with ointment, emping, ice blewah, plus cupcakes chocolate. I distributed to the neighbour.

On the sunday, in fact has the promise wanted to Ocean Park with some relatives, but evidently must cancel, because of having the Birthday invitation of Akbar school friend (Caraka) in Mc.D the Atrium.
Until there bought the gift previously, his matter his invitation was also sudden, so just bought the gift.
The gift problem was solved, but Akbar asked for the toy. Oke. After finished, immediately slid to Mc. D.

Frank that was known by me from his parents only fathers and his grandmother, I never saw his mother took his child at school.
So his grandmother was the same his father who welcomed me.
After rather sought like the detective, came across the face of his mother.
Ooo....This is the mother, and the mother smiled saw me.
I replied with the smile.

After from having lunch in Mc.D, we direct the road headed the Sawangan, his plan the father and my mother wanted to see the house there. Heavy rain very much, thunder and lightning bashed.
There was the tree fell.

Until the house again at 9 o'clock in the evening.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

My family

Ini my family waktu kita liburan di Bandung Lebaran kemarin. Fun, happy and funny.
Story will be continued....

Akbar udah 5 tahun

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb

Tanggal 12 December'06 kemarin adalah hari Ulang Tahun Akbar Naufal Burhanuddin Ramadhan, anakku yang pertama. Nothing special di hari itu, kita sekeluarga hanya makan-makan di Pizza Hut dekat rumah dan pasti hadiah mainan buat Akbar.
Insya Alloh selamatan akan diadakan hari Sabtu besok, dirumah. Acaranya hanya potong tumpeng dan do'a bersama bersama keluarga dan beberapa tetangga.

Nggak terasa umurnya sudah 5 tahun, insya Alloh tahun depan sudah bisa masuk Sekolah Dasar.
Semoga selalu menjadi anak yang Sholeh, berguna bagi orang tua dan bagi orang2 disekelilingnya, jadilah anak yang sehat, kuat dan pintar. Amiien.

Nak... kaulah harapan orang tuamu, pada engkaulah kami akan bersandar dan berharap...


Ummi, Abi, adik Aisha

Monday, December 04, 2006

PTP Fam-Day 2006

Sabtu, 02 Dec 2006
At Rancamaya - Bogor

Me & Mba' Meicko as a doorprize collector

Doorprice Teams